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Tax & Accounting

estate plan

Winning with Tax Code Reform

By K·Coe Editorial | May 11, 2018
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
As a result of the tax code revisions passed in December, many businesses have attained increased financial benefits and lessened tax burden by employing new tax savings strategies. K·Coe Isom has been assisting businesses with strategic assessments and advice on how to utilize new provisions to capture opportunities and avoid …

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2018 farm land value by state USDA

Renting vs. Buying Farmland: Which is Right for You?

By K·Coe Editorial | March 22, 2018
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Whether you’re growing crops or raising livestock, having adequate land is essential. But what’s the best way to acquire the land your operation needs: buying farmland or renting it? Consider these pros and cons for both options: Buying land Pros: Purchasing land gives you control over your destiny. You’re in …

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For S Corps: Does a C Corp Conversion Make $ense?

S Corp Banks: Does a C Corp Conversion Make $ense?

By Sandy Sporleder | January 25, 2018
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Considerations for the Board, Shareholders, and Business will determine. Now that the law has been established for 2018 and beyond, S corporation banks are asking whether the more advantageous tax rate of a C corp (a flat 21% rate) makes sense for them. There are many things to consider, and the …

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For S Corps: Does a C Corp Conversion Make $ense?

For S Corps: Does a C Corp Conversion Make $ense?

By K·Coe Editorial | January 16, 2018
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
Is a C Corp Conversion Right for S Corps? Now that the law has been established for 2018 and beyond, S corporation clients are asking whether the more advantageous tax rate of a C corp (a flat 21% rate) makes sense for them. There are a few perspectives to consider …

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