Biofuel Business

How to Define a Sustainability Plan for Your Biofuel Business

Reading Time: 2 minutes
With companies biofuel business like BP, Exxon and Ford racing towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, producers are feeling the urgency of adopting their own sustainability goals and programs. Prioritizing a sustainability plan can also be profitable for producers – helping manage risk, capitalize on tax and regulation-based credits, and …

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Single Platform, Powerful Data Solution for Farmers Emerges from Semios' Acquisition of Agworld

How Ag Operations Can Leverage Financial Technology

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Until now, farmers and ranchers faced a roadblock between the key metrics they could collect and how to truly use them. The good news is these high-tech financial technology platforms overcome the barrier between farm data and management decisions. The latest financial technology uses artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and cloud-based …

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Producers Profiting from Record Growth in Wind, Solar Power

Producers Profiting from Record Growth in Wind and Solar Power

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Negotiating wind and solar leases can be complicated. The contract language must define provisions a farm or ranch can live with for two or more generations. It’s important to determine fair market value for the energy produced and for the land that will host wind or power generation. And when …

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Wind and Solar Offer Diversified Revenue for U.S. Farmers and Ranchers

Wind and Solar Offer Diversified Revenue for U.S. Farmers and Ranchers

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Food and fiber aren’t the only commodities U.S. farmers and ranchers will bring to market in the next decade. Look for solar and wind ventures to generate additional income for agricultural producers and rural landowners. Both renewable energy sources are gaining ground as state and federal policies pursue aggressive climate …

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Women in Ag

A Steady Shift in Ag: More Female Farmers Than Ever

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Over the past few years, U.S. agriculture has seen more women coming back to join their family farms. “Women have realized it takes brains, not brawn, to run a profitable farming operation,” says Jeanne Bernick, KCoe family business consultant . “We are seeing more interest from women in the next …

Read moreA Steady Shift in Ag: More Female Farmers Than Ever

Accounting Standard Update: Delayed Effective Date and Its Effects on Leases

Partner Announcement – KCoe Isom

Reading Time: 2 minutes
K·Coe Isom announced the appointment of three individuals as a new partner: Jeanne Bernick, Brent Bright, and Michelle Ellis; and seven firm leaders as principals: Roxie Azparren, Lisa Baalman, Thomas Eatherly, Ryan Herrman, Maxson Irsik, Scott Miller, and Karli Olsen. “In a tumultuous year, these bright leaders have demonstrated an …

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Strong Dollar Keeps Lid on Exports, Corn Prices for Ethanol Outlook

Ag Marketing Strategy: 5 Traits Found in Resilient Producers

Reading Time: 8 minutes
With the start of 2021, the obvious “silver lining” is that despite all of the headlines, we are now experiencing some of the best commodity marketing prices we have seen in the last six years.  But despite the unexpected rise to profitable prices, there are still some producers feeling as …

Read moreAg Marketing Strategy: 5 Traits Found in Resilient Producers

Iowa Producers

2020: A Year of Crisis and Hope

Reading Time: 3 minutes
I look out my window in Eastern Iowa and see uprooted oak trees that once stood as guardians of our neighborhood. A displaced street light pole threatens my dining room window, and my backyard has an extra trampoline – blown over from the neighbor’s yard 200 feet away. I can …

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