How the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy

How the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy

Reading Time: 2 minutes
By Jeanne Bernick, Certified Family Business Advisor For many of you the stress of harvest season is over and now you enter a new season in family business: the holidays! As if working with family isn’t challenging enough, now there are mandatory meals and celebrations and traditions to recreate, not …

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family farms

Kansas Bankers Association March on D.C. Top Takeaways

Reading Time: 4 minutes
This past September, the Kansas Bankers Association (KBA) leaders participated in a march on Washington, D.C. to advocate for the banking community. As a graduate of the KBA Bank Leaders of Kansas (BLOK) group, Pinion’s Heather Campbell joined the march and the week of meetings and discussions with various bank …

Read moreKansas Bankers Association March on D.C. Top Takeaways

Farm Bill Improvements by Farm Program Fairness Coalition

A Push for Farm Bill Improvements: Farm Program Fairness Coalition Visits the Hill

Reading Time: 2 minutes
With the possibility of Congress renewing the Farm Bill in 2023, it is critical that farmers do what they can to ensure the farm programs support American agriculture in the years to come. To help advance this goal, Pinion launched the Farm Program Fairness Coalition, a group of farmers from …

Read moreA Push for Farm Bill Improvements: Farm Program Fairness Coalition Visits the Hill


A Case for Multi-Generational Farming: The Result of Planning for Change

Reading Time: 2 minutes
A multi-generational (six-generation) agriculture business that had been passed down from parents to their three sons engaged a succession planning expert. The three sons were married and had adult, married children, and young grandchildren. The expert started the process by having individual conversations with each family member. Through the course …

Read moreA Case for Multi-Generational Farming: The Result of Planning for Change

Technology Farmers will Invest in Over the Next Five Years

Data Technologies and Trends Farmers will Invest in Over the Next Five Years

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Technology has been empowering agriculture since machines replaced the ox and plow. Consider what GPS-guided tractors, moisture tracking sensors, plant genetics, and livestock breeding have done in just the last few decades to propel farmers and ranchers to higher production and profitability. Now, financial technology has emerged as the latest …

Read moreData Technologies and Trends Farmers will Invest in Over the Next Five Years

Agriculture Joins Food Companies in Global Climate Solutions

How Farmers are Joining the Climate Solution

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Rarely has U.S. agriculture been at such a pivotal, transformative era. Globally, and here in the U.S., the world’s major governments, food companies, and the agricultural industry are focused on climate change and its impact on the food supply. Farmers themselves are trying to also mitigate the risks that are …

Read moreHow Farmers are Joining the Climate Solution

land ownership

The Changing Dynamics of Land Ownership

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Changes in land ownership and the farming workforce are unfolding across U.S. agriculture. Among key drivers, of course, is the aging population of American farmers and ranchers: In the next 15 years, the ownership of 40% of America’s agricultural land will be in transition, mostly due to aging landowners, reports …

Read moreThe Changing Dynamics of Land Ownership

Wind and Solar Offer Diversified Revenue for U.S. Farmers and Ranchers

Wind and Solar Offer Diversified Revenue for U.S. Farmers and Ranchers

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Food and fiber aren’t the only commodities U.S. farmers and ranchers will bring to market in the next decade. Look for solar and wind ventures to generate additional income for agricultural producers and rural landowners. Both renewable energy sources are gaining ground as state and federal policies pursue aggressive climate …

Read moreWind and Solar Offer Diversified Revenue for U.S. Farmers and Ranchers