Matthew Powell , Principal, Pinion, LLC
Matthew is Pinion Global Innovation Leader and is charged with the global initiative to lead the industry in implementing the massive transformation and innovation required to navigate the 4th industrial revolution (Artificial Intelligence and automation). Matt also leads, an early stage AI pre-accounting startup.
Matt leverages Pinion’s strategic relationship with Agworld and other partners in the use of leading cloud based and AI technologies to streamline and re-define the entire back office process for farmers globally. This end results are radical improvements in financial visibility, benchmarking and operational efficiency for farming businesses.
Combining 20+ years’ experience in the computer and data science industry with 10+ years in the ag industry, as well as senior leadership, board and advisory roles, Matt loves to bring the technical, business and industry challenges together and drive innovative change that creates exponential ROI growth.
His experience includes technical roles at leading Data Science firm SAS Institute in Sydney, Australia and in Nokia’s Advanced Research department in Finland before a series of software startups culminating in co-founding, the world’s leading Digital Farm Management platform. Matthew is a frequent speaker in the Ag Tech space.