Pinion Insights: Posts from category

Next Gen

Use It or Lose It: Lock in Estate Tax Advantages Now

By Pinion Editorial | May 7, 2024
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
The estate tax exemption doesn’t sunset until the end of 2025. So why worry about it now?   Unfortunately, this historically high estate and gift tax exemption offers a short window of opportunity, and it may be closing soon. If you want to preserve more of your wealth, it’s important to …

Read moreUse It or Lose It: Lock in Estate Tax Advantages Now

3 Ways to Unlock Wealth in Your Privately Held Business

By Pinion Editorial | November 30, 2023
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
A quick Google search for “how to increase business wealth” will yield thousands of ideas. Some are worth as much as they cost, some promise quick, overnight results, and yet, some truly hold their weight. Pinion strategic advisors work with business owners every day to help drive profits, manage risk, …

Read more3 Ways to Unlock Wealth in Your Privately Held Business

How the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy

How to Enjoy the Holidays as a Family Business

By Pinion Editorial | November 22, 2023
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
By Jeanne Bernick, Certified Family Business Advisor For many of you, the stress of harvest season is over and now you enter a new season in family business: the holidays! As if working with family isn’t challenging enough, now there are mandatory meals and celebrations and traditions to recreate, not to …

Read moreHow to Enjoy the Holidays as a Family Business

The Flip Side of Estate Planning: Why Many Don’t Bother

By Pinion Editorial | September 26, 2023
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
6 in 10 Americans have a retirement account, while only 1 in 3 have an estate plan. While the majority of Americans see the importance of retirement planning, most neglect estate planning.  The most common reason for avoiding a will, trust or estate plan?  Procrastination. Todd Stanley, a wheat and …

Read moreThe Flip Side of Estate Planning: Why Many Don’t Bother

How the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy

The Risks of Letting Your Legacy Ride: How Estate Planning Protects the Family

By Pinion Editorial | March 3, 2023
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Ask any successful family business leader “What is your most important accomplishment?”  The overwhelming response is: ‘my legacy’.  And yet, only one in six have an estate plan.  Why work so hard to build a legacy, but do nothing to protect it?     “One of the most important things you …

Read moreThe Risks of Letting Your Legacy Ride: How Estate Planning Protects the Family

handshake between business colleagues

Test Your Succession Plan

By Pinion Editorial | January 8, 2023
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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Proactive planning for the long-term future of your business gives it staying power. The surest way to secure the legacy of a business is to have a strong succession plan in place for ownership and management.  But what makes up a ‘strong’ succession plan vs. an ineffective one? Pinion succession …

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Answering ‘Who Comes Next?’: Key Ways to Avoid Succession Failure

By Pinion Editorial | December 19, 2022
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Ten thousand Baby Boomers retire daily. Yet only 21% of organizations report having a formal plan for succession in place. Time and time again, not having a succession plan in place has proven itself the biggest detriment for business survival in uncertain times. Pinion Next Gen Advisors share succession planning …

Read moreAnswering ‘Who Comes Next?’: Key Ways to Avoid Succession Failure

How the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy

How the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy

By Jeanne Bernick | November 22, 2022
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
By Jeanne Bernick, Certified Family Business Advisor For many of you the stress of harvest season is over and now you enter a new season in family business: the holidays! As if working with family isn’t challenging enough, now there are mandatory meals and celebrations and traditions to recreate, not …

Read moreHow the Holidays Can Shape Your Family Legacy
