Helena, MT

  • 828 Great Northern Boulevard
  • 4th Floor
  • Helena, MT  59601
  • 406-442-1040

Business Consulting and Accounting Firm

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Recent Insights

Loan Origination Fees

Kansas Department of Revenue to Double-Tax Bank Income

Reading Time: 2 minutes
We’ve recently learned of an interesting development that significantly impacts the Community Banking industry.   At the end of December, K·Coe participated in a call facilitated …

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2020’s Smart Tax Resolutions

2020’s Smart Tax Resolutions

Reading Time: 3 minutes
New Year’s resolutions typically focus on healthier lifestyles, kicking bad habits, and ways to increase happiness.  Unfortunately, there’s a tendency to drop resolutions as quickly …

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Regional Industries - Community Banks

HMDA – Confidence that you are “Getting it Right” in 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Having to perform a “regulator mandated” Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) resubmission is hard work. And, if you don’t put the work in before you …

Read moreHMDA – Confidence that you are “Getting it Right” in 2020