Billings, MT

  • 402 N Broadway
  • 4th Floor
  • Billings, MT  59101
  • 406-245-5136

Business Consulting and Accounting Firm

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Recent Insights

Making Ag Board Meetings More Effective

Making Ag Board Meetings More Effective

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Most agribusinesses participate in board meetings during the year to assess operations and make decisions about their business. Board meetings are an essential part of …

Read moreMaking Ag Board Meetings More Effective


Weeding Out the Details of Banking an MRB

Reading Time: 5 minutes
We have received multiple questions regarding banking a Marijuana Related Business (MRB) and we know there are several articles out there on it already; however, …

Read moreWeeding Out the Details of Banking an MRB

Caution & Potential Surrounding Common Ownership

How the Final 199A Regulations Impact Ag

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Following the long-awaited “final” regulations released by the IRS late on Friday, January 18, some in the Ag industry appreciated the additional clarity, while others …

Read moreHow the Final 199A Regulations Impact Ag