First U.S. Beef Producers Sustainability Framework Released
In May 2018, the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (USRSB), released the U.S. beef industry’s first-ever beef producers sustainability framework for public comment.
From ranch to restaurant, this affects your business. Both consumers and customers are increasingly interested in how their beef is produced, and this critical analysis has been a key driver of sustainability obligations. The beef industry is on the precipice of change – measuring and reporting your company’s performance with the USRSB metrics adds credibility and puts you ahead of the curve in an industry where sustainability is becoming increasingly important.
USRSB Framework and Sustainability Indicators
Founded in 2015, the USRSB is an industry-led, multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to advance, support, and communicate continuous improvement in the sustainability of U.S. beef production.
This voluntary framework provides a set of metrics and resources to assist ranchers, cattle auction markets, feedyards, packers, processors, and retail and food service organizations implement and measure sustainability practices in their own businesses. Over the past three years, the USRSB has narrowed its focus to six high-priority indicator areas that go beyond environmental stewardship to encompass overall business health and longevity.
The high priority indicator areas are:
- Animal Health and Well-Being
- Efficiency & Yield
- Water Resources
- Land Resources
- Air & Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Employee Safety & Well-Being
As a founding member of the USRSB and the only full-service business advisory firm member, K·Coe Isom has actively participated in framework development and review over the past three years. We have worked with key players across the supply chain, including leading ranch organizations, feedyards, and beef packers to implement the USRSB standards and communicate sustainability performance with customers and public audiences. We will continue to serve organizations throughout the beef supply chain to ensure that they are making smart sustainability decisions for their business.
The U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef has opened a public comment period on the metrics and guidance. The framework can be reviewed and comments submitted until July 1 at the following address:
K·Coe Isom’s sustainability specialists can expertly assess and implement a sustainability program to complement this framework and provide a strategy to be more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. For more information, contact Emily Johannes at