How Business Owners Can Avoid Costly Mistakes

How Business Owners Can Avoid Costly Mistakes

Reading Time: 3 minutes
It’s inevitable. One day, you will step down from running your business. The timing and transition for when and to whom you relinquish control are often among the hardest decisions that a business owner will make. That’s precisely why more than 70% of business owners fail to put a strategy …

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Farm Technology

How to Make Farm Technology Pay Off

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Over the years, many of you have adopted farm technology that’s revolutionizing agriculture. Maybe you’ve added a GPS-guided tractor or a self-propelled sprayer to your operation. Or you’re using field-mapping software or electronic collars for your dairy herd. But have you included financial technology in the new tools you’re using …

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Cost-saving Update for Biofuels Companies Prepping for New Lease Guidance

Are You Innovating in All the Right Places?

Reading Time: 4 minutes
Leaders within the Biofuels industry are some of the most innovative individuals we work with.  They are at the cusp of new technologies and set the bar for many industries when benchmarking efficiency and creative problem solving.  Because the industry attracts innovative leaders, it’s surprising to see how little focus …

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Avoid the Anxiety of Tight Ethanol Margins in 3 Steps

Avoid the Anxiety of Tight Ethanol Margins in 3 Steps

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Ways to Create Advantages – Increase Production, Maximize Revenue, and Diversify Revenue Streams – in Times of Tight Ethanol Margins The one constant in the ethanol industry is that there will be fluctuations in the price of ethanol and grains and this will cause tight margins from time to time.  …

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Cost-saving Update for Biofuels Companies Prepping for New Lease Guidance

Cost-saving Update for Biofuels Companies Prepping for New Lease Guidance

Reading Time: 2 minutes
For private entities preparing to comply with the new lease standard (ASC 842) slated for January 2020, FASB has released an update (Accounting Standards Update 2018-11) to the new lease standard that stands to benefit companies applying the new standard. How Can this Update Benefit your Company? In short, the …

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How Behavioral Change Benefits the Bottom Line

How Behavioral Change Benefits the Bottom Line

Reading Time: 4 minutes
As a business owner or high-level manager, you have the enormous power to effect change in behavior patterns – for both the individuals and groups within your company. How you’re affecting behavioral change, however, could be a benefit or a detriment to your business. Without realizing it, your daily influence …

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Latest Tariff Relief Changes Affect Almond, Cherry & Hog Producers

FSA Farm Programs Deadlines Quickly Approaching

Reading Time: 2 minutes
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has established the procedures required to provide direct payments to growers to help offset some damage imposed by retaliatory tariffs. As a result of the lapse in federal funding due to the recent government shutdown, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) has extended deadlines for …

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Ag Loan Renewals

Tough Times for Ag Loan Renewals  

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Prepare for the process – and bolster your loan chances — by developing a good understanding of key elements used by lenders to assess your borrowing position,” recommend K·Coe Isom advisors regarding Ag Loan Renewals. In particular, they advise careful review of loan covenants and loan consolidations in an effort …

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