Commodity Fields: Weathering the Downturn

Commodity Fields: Weathering the Downturn

Reading Time: < 1 minute
As the 2018 season ends, growers, agronomists, and financial advisors start to analyze this year’s results in order to prepare budgets and plans for next season. Determining how much product will be needed next year is a crucial determination for farm operations, especially if you’re intending to use prepayments to …

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Customer Service

Buying or Selling: What Happens to Your BOLI?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Bank-owned life insurance (BOLI) has been a widely-used investment and employee benefit for community banks. But, what happens to this insurance in a bank sale? This has been a common question we’ve seen with bank mergers and acquisitions, and in some cases, has had a significant impact on how the …

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Look Before You Leap on Tax Conversions

Look Before You Leap on Tax Conversions

Reading Time: < 1 minute
The flashy headlines around the lower tax rates as part of the new tax code are not always cut-and-dry, and businesses need to take a deep-dive look at the long-term impact these tax conversions might have on their ability to minimize taxes. “We understand why at first glance a lower, …

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Midyear Tax Checkup Pays Off for Manufacturers

Determining Sales & Use Tax – What Manufacturers Need to Know

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Earlier this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in South Dakota v. Wayfair, stating that a physical presence is no longer required to establish substantial nexus in the collection of sales and use tax. Now, it’s an “economic nexus” that establishes the need to collect sales tax. This …

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Emergency Relief

Bracing for Natural Disasters – To Do’s and FAQs

Reading Time: 5 minutes
The Southeast is bracing once again for what’s shaping up to be another season of natural disasters. With the recent tornadoes in Nashville farmers are finding themselves faced with potentially devastating damage. We wanted to provide you with some helpful guidance and FAQs surrounding potential risks stemming from natural disasters. …

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Meal and Entertainment Deductions

Tax Update: Entertainment Deduction Clarified

Reading Time: < 1 minute
The most current information for 2021 meal and entertainment deduction for tax returns is available here. On October 3, the IRS issued a new guidance that will allow a deduction for 50% of meals while entertaining clients/customers. This decision was made following confusion over the wording in the tax law …

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Financial Data Protection

How Safe is Your Financial Data?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Recent national cybercrime headlines: “Cybercriminals Obtain Employee Credentials to Conduct Payroll Diversion” “Business Email Compromises Business Data” “Increase in W-2 Phishing Campaigns” Imagine if you lost access to a year’s worth of financial information – accounting records, tax returns, audit trails – that could either never be fully recovered, or …

Read moreHow Safe is Your Financial Data?